So here we are then, week 2. Having recovered from last week's undiluted gravy granule-induced heartburn, this week we're doing a twist on a genuine recipe accompanied by not so much a twist as a full-on dislocation with dreadfully torn ligaments of a traditional side. With surprising results - not least of which being I'm not in A&E at the moment on some sort of drip. As before, here's this week's identity parade of bit parts you'll need for this Frankenstein of a dish should you wish to cook along at home (preferably your home, as I've already done the washing up). And yes, I know Frankenstein was the scientist and not the monster so that's technically incorrect, but then I also know this: shut up. Anyway: Ingredients: If this isn't a balanced diet, I don't know what is. 2 chicken breasts or 4 or 5 mini fillets (basically, pick your favourite chicken extremity and use that) A bottle of Ribena concentrate A bag of radishes Some...