To me, William May seems a very formal (and male) name for a chicken. Then again I've never laid an egg, so what do I know? Happy eggmas! At this special time of year it's always nice to come together with friends and relations and attempt to curse each other with type 2 diabetes via the giving, receiving and tremendous overconsumption of sweet, brown ovals. As you may remember, last year as a special Easter treat I did a double whammy of a scotch creme egg and superhot cross buns . This year, I've decided my special Easter treat will be not having to eat a packet of Rennies and not choking myself to death on a birds eye chilli, so it's a single whammy instead. But hoist your trousers, madam, because it's a bit of a 2 for 1 anyway. You can't accuse me of not giving value for money! Literally - it's not like anyone pays me to do this. So what am I doing? Well like a lazy DJ when the first side of Now 98 comes to an end and I have to get off my ars...