People (specifically, idiots) often argue about whether a Jaffa cake is in fact a cake or a biscuit. This, despite the fact it has the word 'cake' in the title and goes stale like a cake not soft like a biscuit when you inadvertently leave the packet open a bit and ruin the next day's tea break. Both fairly substantial clues - particularly the former, given the manufacturer is literally telling you it's a cake on the packet. I mean, what more do you want - a confession written in blood from Mr Kipling? Sure, you may eat them in the same manner as you eat biscuits, but then you'd probably eat a Victoria sponge-sized biscuit by the chunk like a cake - it's more about size than anything inherently biscuitesque as to why there's even any discussion in the first place. Observe: a giant bourbon is still a bourbon - it doesn't metamorphose into a black forest gateaux once it passes a certain girth. To put it another way, even if you sellotape wheels to a po...