All right, sir! Well, here we are. The best part of 4 months, 1 broken arm, and the worst part of 40 grand (i.e. almost all of it) stuffed into a builder's pocket after my last post, and I finally have a kitchen in my house again. And indeed a back wall, roof, sink that doesn't just vomit tepid dish filth directly onto the floor because it isn't hooked up, washing machine for fresh pants, cooker, lounge not full of pots and pans and so on. Oh, and a mostly working arm - nearly forgot that, despite it being quite literally in front of my face. So obviously what better way to celebrate than by getting straight back to ruining perfectly good food and giving myself indigestion? If I were some sort of hipster lifestyle writer who'd been off round the world to 'discover myself' (read: get drunk at someone else's expense) and find a whole new load of taste sensations to blog about, I'd probably pass off the posting break as deliberate and grandly call this ...