So since I last posted, I thought I was moving house, then I wasn't, then my cooker broke. Hence I've done buggerall for weeks. Hooray! But enough about me - you just want to see someone gagging on something unpleasant without the risk of having to type 'video of someone gagging on something unpleasant' into Google, and then having to run an exceedingly lewd gauntlet before finding what you're after. This week, what with it allegedly being summer (note: as I type this, it is of course pissing down) I didn't fancy cooking much so thought I'd branch out into refreshing, light summery desserts. Only in the case of this blog, the branch I've branched out onto has a terrible case of Dutch Elm disease and is about to fall off. So here, for your rancid entertainment, are some variations on everyone's favourite slightly better than the crappy Ski yoghurts we had as a kid but still not actually THAT great curdled milk product: fruit corners. Ingredients:...